After watching Michael Mosley’s inspirational documentary Eat, Fast and Live Longer way back in 2012, it sat in the back of my mind as something that I would consider attempting.
Now over 2 years later and a bit of a push from my husband as he wanted to lose weight, I decided that this year was the year. So I began my fasting lifestyle on the 5th Jan 2015. I had not planned to start, I just decided on the Sunday night and began on the Monday morning. I weighed in at 86.6kg, by the end of my first week I was 83.6kg (most I would say is water, not fat)
On my first day I had not made any plans, I just ate what I had in the cupboard and used My Fitness Pal (MFP) to count the calories. It was a challenge.
Fast Day 1:
Monday 5th Jan 15
Breakfast – I had black coffee,
Brunch – I had 2 eggs on a cruskit. (decide that the cruskits were a waste of calories as they we not filling enough)
Mid afternoon – I was so hungry, but held out till dinner, but made another black coffee.
Dinner – I had a can of stockpot soup,
After Dinner – I was still very hungry and hunted the cupboards with MFP in hand scanning barcodes and seeing if I could keep under the 500 calories. Scanned Tuna, Cup of Soups, and found lots of them were too high. Finally calculated that 2 cruskets with a small amount of vegemite and some marg was just under so I made that.
I went to bed then thinking that I need to plan better and choose more sustaining food the next fast day.
All night long I thought about what I would have for breakfast.
Post first fast day:
To my surprise I was not hungry in the morning, and I didn’t eat anything until after lunch. But I got to planning my next fast day straight away.
Started reading as much research as I could, and also found a support group on Facebook to chat with others. I have since found that sharing this with others to be extremely helpful, and a way to help keep me on track.
I now have my own Facebook group of January 2015 5:2 fast starters and we have helped to support each other. From the research I have read, being in a support group gives you a higher chance of succeeding.
I also order the book and the recipe book online, and started thinking about my own recipes how I might be able to modify them to make them fast day friendly.
I also re-watched the documentary and got on you-tube and watched lots of interviews with Michael Mosley.
Fast Day 2:
Thursday 8th jan 15
I was more prepared this time around and we hd been to the shops and stocked up on food that would be fast day friendly
Breakfast – I again had a black coffee
Brunch – I had an egg again, but only 1 this time so that I had more calories left for the end of the day.
Lunch – nothing, but by 3pm, I was nearly falling into a heap as I was so hungry. But hung on with a coffee.
Dinner – I had planned so much better this time and made some Spaghetti Bolognese, with slender paster and veggies. It felt like such a massive meal by dinner time, I almost didn’t eat it all.
- Spaghetti Bolognese with Veggies
- Slendier Spaghetti
- Bolognese Sauce
After dinner I still had some calories left, so decided to have a cup of soup and finished the day just under 400 calories.
It was a much better day, but I feel like I am still finding my groove and what works for me. I am also finding what food help with the hunger and are more sustainable as to not waste the precious calories on empty food.
Post fast day
Again to my surprise after not being able to sleep well, as I was thinking of breakfast and was quite hungry most of the night. By breakfast I didn’t feel I needed or even wanted it, so I didn’t eat until around 12pm.
Very Proud
I am still finding my groove, and after a my first week I about nearly 3 kg’s. I know that I have a lot to learn and still finding what works best for me, but starting was better than not ever starting and thinking that I will try that next week.
The great thing is that even if the first fast days were hard, I knew that the next day I could eat what ever I was dreaming about.