Now that this blog is up and running I will try to get posts done to catch up for the last few weeks for my Journal entries.
So my second week was definitely better than my first. I have started to listen to my body signals more and I am actually understanding that hunger passes and is not something that comes on and stays with you all day. Just having a drink and waiting around 10-15mins and it subsides.
This weeks weigh in at the end of the week was a loss of 500g.
I am now getting very excited about this way of life, and have given more of my time online to support groups, and had started thinking about this blog and how I would go about sharing my recipes. I find that thinking about what I can do with recipes that I already have to make them fast day friendly helps to fill my day along with research. It is my motivation on fast days to have something to share with my support group and recipe page on Facebook at the end of the day.
I do not return to work until 11th of February teaching, so I have a little free time on my hands until then, in-between designing for clients and being a work at home Mum. Then things will start to get hectic when I begin a Masters Post Grad in March (that’s a little daunting).
Fast Day 3:
Monday 12th Jan 15
Breakfast – I had black coffee
Lunch - Surprisingly I was not hungry, but I had spent all morning creating my pulled pork recipes and it was cooking away in the slow cooker. I was also preoccupied with what I was going to put with it.
I was forgetting to drink but then I saw the word water on Facebook. Bells rand and I had a drink, as I spent a fair bit of time checking the fasting day thread to keep me motivated, every time someone posted the word “water” I had a big drink. By the end of the day I had a very full bladder. We all like to remind each other to drink water and you can do it to get through the day.
Dinner - After spending the day working with a couple of client and in my spare time researching what I was going to put with my pulled pork I got to work on making Zoodles to go with my Pulled Pork Meal
- Pulled Pork with Zoodles & Veggies
- Pulled pork cooking in the slow cooker
It was a very successful day, and only at around 3pm I noticed I was hungry, but it only lasted 5-10mins and then I was all good for the rest of the day.
Post fast day:
I was again not hungry and was feeling the best I had so far. I decided in the morning that I would give a B2B a go. I was doing very well until about 6pm and then I just could not help myself… I caved, and ended up having takeaway for dinner. I was well under my TDEE and I also stopped eating when I was no longer hungry. I was happy that I got an extra half day fast, it was a few extra hours for my body to stay in repair mode.
I did have a few drinks that night too, but chose a better option than wine and I had Vodka with infused mineral water which as only 71cals per drink. Yay!!!
Fast Day 4:
Thursday 15th Jan 15
Breakfast – I had black coffee, easy.
Lunch - OMG today was getting hard, nothing like Monday. I was really struggling again. Maybe it was the fish and chips I had the night before. I read that if you have carbs the night before your fast night, it can make it harder on your fast days.
So I made a basic salad with no dressing and put a poached egg on it. It needed more flavour, I think next time I will use some lime juice. It was enough to put the hunger a bay for a little bit, but the hunger was defiantly stronger and more often today. But I stayed strong seeking support online.
Dinner - I tried a new recipe tonight, Asian style mini meatballs, which I put on some ready-made crunchy asian salad from Coles. I didn’t use the salad dressing that it came with, as the sauce from my meatballs was enough. It was o.k, but needs a little bit more work on the flavours before I share this one.
- Asian meatballs in salad
- Asian meatballs in salad
Post fast day:
Today we had people come down to film some segments for the TV show that my husband co-hosts and we went out for lunch at a local pub after. I was not totally hungry, so instead of getting a kids and adults meal, I shared a parmi with my daughter, I ate the chicken and she had all the chips and veggies as she is a vegetarian.
Then my parents wanted to go out to a buffet for dinner, so I went, but didn’t make a pig of myself. Which was a nice change.
It is getting a little easier:
So this week was pretty good, however I did struggle more than I would have liked on Thursday. I am finding that the headaches are still there but not as bad.
Also on fast nights I am not sleeping as well. I have not taken any sleeping pills to help as I have a new puppy, and I have to get up to take her out during the night as I am still toilet training her. Only had her for a couple of weeks.
All in all week 2 ended well.
My stats:
Week starting weight: 83.6kg
This weeks loss: 500g
Finished on 83.1kg
Total loss is 3.5kg in 2 weeks
Average of 3.25kg/wk