My third week has been the best so far. I have slept better, not needing to eat until late afternoon and think I am starting to find what pattern works for me.
I feel so much better for it, and I am finding myself more and more in love with this way of life. I have never been on a diet before where I was proud to tell people that I was on a new diet. I have tried many different diets in the past, and it is always a well kept secret from all my friends and family as I don’t like knowing as I always fail. “not this time – so sir”
This week was the week that my husband registered this web address for me to start my blog, and it was not until the weekend that I started playing around trying to navigate my way through this unfamiliar world of blogging.
I also weighed in and to my surprise I had actually put back on the 500g that I lost last week. So I am back to the 3kg loss that I had in my first week.
This week however I have not had a decent bowel movement for about 4 days. So I decided to take my own advise and not get bogged down in the numbers and remember that I am doing this not just for the weigh loss but to be much healthier inside as well as out.
The previous week just out of curiosity I weighed in the morning, then half an hour later I had a poo, jumped back on the scales and I had lost 500g. My husband laughed and said wow that must have been a big one! Hope you didn’t clog the toilet.
Fast Day 4:
Monday 19th Jan 15
Breakfast – I had black coffee. Then I went into work to get some paperwork done for an upcoming audit, and someone offered to make me a coffee. I said yes without stating that I wanted it black, and because they went out of their way to make a proper ground coffee, I drank it (but thought to myself, wasted calories)
Lunch - Another black coffee and lots of water.
Dinner - After spending the day at work I wanted something easy so I made a simple vegetarian spaghetti bolognese, using 3 different packet ingredients. I will post this soon in the recipe section. Only took me about 10mins to throw it together and it was very filling I didn’t even finish it.
- Vegetarian Bolognese with Veggies
- Ingredients
I found that working away from the home office was good, and it helped to keep my mind occupied. Once I return to work on a weekly basis, I may change my fast days to work days.
Post fast day:
I was again not hungry but decided not to attempt a b2b this week as a failed miserably last week. By lunch I was craving Red Rooster, so I got a flayva wrap. Yummy!!
Fast Day 6:
Thursday 22nd Jan 15
Breakfast – Guess what I had??.
Lunch - And the same this as the morning – yes that’s right – Coffee!! Gotta love a good coffee. We are a bit of a coffee snob family. Has to be good ground fresh coffee. We drink coffee like it is wine and can taste all the flavour notes in it.
Mid afternoon - I was struggling a little bit, so I just had a few carrot stick and that was just perfect to help push those hunger pains away.
Dinner - I forgot that I was meant to be meeting a very good friend for dinner. Lucky she is a health nut, so when she suggested we meet down at the beach as it was such a lovely day, I said that a picnic would be nice. That was perfect as I was able to take a serve of pulled pork and have it with a simple coleslaw that I made in a rye bread wrap.
She was so interested in hearing about the 5:2 fast, and I was so excited to tell her about it we chatted for ages about what I have been up to and how much I love it. She texted over the weekend and said that she had done 2 fast days since we chatted and was going to try it for a while.
Post fast day:
This post fast day, I found I was making much better choices and loving the pulled pork. So I created a pulled pork and egg in a rye cup for dinner. Even though it was not a fast day, it was a perfect meal for a fast day. I will share this one soon on the recipe section when I get time to post it.
My best week ever:
I really feel I am finding my groove
Breakfast: just coffee
Nothing until mid afternoon around 3ish and maybe a little snack (this is optional depending on how much my tummy talks to me)
Dinner: save most of my calories for dinner and make something scrumptious and hopefully nice enough to share with my support group and now on my blog for other to drool over.
Even though I put on weight this week, I still see it as a success as I still completed my 2 fast days. Maybe after a good number 2 in the loo this coming week, the scales will show nicer numbers. My average per week has dropped from 3.25kg to only 1kg average, but still above the recommended 500g per week. So very happy with that. Taking a big bite of my own advise and trying to not let it bother me.
Note to self: Do not the numbers on the scales define how happy I choose to be.
My stats:
Week starting weight: 83.1kg
This weeks gain: 500g
Finished on 83.6kg
Total loss is 3kg in 3 weeks
Average of 1kg/wk